The Flick Addict

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Monday, June 06, 2005

Some Things I'm Tired of Seeing at the Movies

1) Movies that begin by flying over water finally hitting land. It sometimes seems to me that 20% of movies begin this way. Why can't directors come up with something a bit more original? Don't they realize this opening has been done to death?

2) Flying over Manhattan Island or some other mealopolis, looking down from a helicopter. Movies can start this way or this sort of footage can be used somewhere in the movie. Is this stock footage? I ask because it's all starting to look the same to me!

3) Perhaps because the primary audience for horror and teen slasher movies are people who are young and haven't seen that many movies, these films continue to feature villains/monsters who have to be killed twice or more. I mean, it's become such a staple and cliche, that by now I know he/she/it isn't really dead. Doesn't the audience realize this?

4) This one may be changing slowly, but in horror movies and thrillers, you used to be able to bet that the black man would die a noble death and that the white hero, not the black hero, would end up taking the white chick home at the end of the movie. Are our racial prejudices so ingrained even now that we can't let the black man win the woman in the end?

What are you getting tired of seeing in the movies?


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